
Hello everyone, So basically this is my first blog. And today I want to tell you about my self. My name is Cindhy Zahra Putri Rustandi. I am 15 years old. I was born in Bandung. And I live in Bandung as well. I am a student at SMAN 3 Bandung. I am from Social 1 class. I am a talkative girl also a friendly girl. My hobby is Reading a novel, playing games and sometimes I like to make a poetry.

I live with my mom, my brother and my aunt. We live together in a little warm house. I didn't live with my father because he died when I was 6 years old. He died in 2010, I feel so sad and broke at that time. I feel like that is the end of my world. But, my brother always stay beside me and help me get through my bad time.

My father is a kind man. And he always told me to be kind to everyone. Until today me and my brother always try to be kind to everyone and help each other.

My school is the best school ever. I have many friends especially in my class. Sometimes we talk to each other about our day. We share our experience and all my friends is a good person. My friends is the best thing in my school.

I have a big dream. I want to become a Diplomatic Staff someday. I want to become a diplomatic staff because it is a specisl job. It is a job that need our encourage to help other people especially in other country. And I want to use my ability in a different language to help Indonesia to be a better place for the better future. And I hope someday I can make my family proud of me.

Ok everyone, I think that's it for today.

Thank You :)


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